At DTR, our goal is to educate you on the resources available for a loved one with a disability. We support you from the moment you become a client through to receiving your tax credit and beyond. We will advise you on what other disability services are available to you, relevant to your condition.

Here is how it works...

  • You complete a questionnaire.
  • You sign an Agreement of Service contract with DTR.
  • We review your denied application and Notice of Determination and provide an opinion on why you were denied. We will also provide you with a strategy to address the denial.
  • We require a copy of your medical information pertaining to your impairments.
  • We submit the Notice of Objection to the CRA on your behalf.

Why Disability Tax Results?

  • We are a committed team with years of experience.
  • We will stay up to date on disability tax changes.
  • We uncover the tax rebates that you are entitled to for you, your dependent or your loved one that has passed on.
  • We will ensure you get the full amount you are entitled to receive.
  • We assist with your denial and ensure the objection is completed properly, and there are no gaps missing from you or your physician.
  • We will help you appeal if we strongly believe you are eligible. (Your Doctor's view about qualifying for the disability tax credit may differ from the view of the CRA. The CRA has their own professionals and experts to review the forms/reports submitted. The CRA has the final determination.)
  • We advise and compile as much information to submit with your application for review to help support your case.

For assistance or more information view our frequently asked questions or contact us.